Islamic E-Learning Courses by Minhaj Youth League, India - Hindi

Islamic E-Learning Courses by Minhaj Youth League, India

Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani's views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Ahle Sunnat Scholars Views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Importance of the lives and respect of the believers by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Those who declare the large majority of Muslims to be unbelievers and innovators due to political, theological or ideological differences and indiscriminately kill them, should know the importance of the lives and respect of believers. Holy Prophet ﷺ declared sanctity of a single believer to be greater than that of Ka’ba.

- Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Islamic Curriculum on Peace and Counter-Terrorism
(For Young People and Students)
Page 21, Minhaj Publications India Forum

Ahle Sunnat Scholars Views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi's views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

I am greatly impressed with the works being done by MQI and Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri which is all because of the great Tariqah of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri.

- Shaykh as-Sayyad Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Ahle Sunnat Scholars Views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Meaning of Islam, Iman and Ihsan by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

"All three words, Islam, Iman and Ihsan, according to their meanings give the teachings of peace, tolerance, love and respect for humankind. The faith of Islam is such a code of life that it itself is an embodiment of peace, security, and provides others with the teaching of peace, security, mercy, moderation, patience, and forbearance."

- Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri

Islamic Curriculum on Peace and Counter-Terrorism
(For Young People and Students)
Page 11, Minhaj Publications India Forum

Peer Alauddin Siddiqui's views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

I pray for the success of the mission of Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and his organization and pray that Almighty Allah accepts their efforts for the upliftment and betterment of Ummah and also pray that our nation benefits from the blessings of the works of Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri.

- Peer Alauddin Siddiqui (Rahmatullah Alaih)

Ahle Sunnat Scholars Views on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri